Every Cedine staff member is carefully chosen on the basis of their Christian testimony and love for the Lord Jesus Christ. We are committed to ensuring that each is thoroughly trained in the Word of God.
God’s Word is our standard in all that we believe and practice, and directs us in carrying out the four-fold purpose of the Mission stated in our charter:
Cedine missionaries seek, therefore, to fulfill these purposes by endeavoring to reach the unsaved and train the Christian through:
An independent (non-staff) policy-making Board meets twice each year, and governs the overall affairs of Cedine’s ministries.
Since our founding, Cedine has operated on the principle of faith and complete reliance upon God. As we look to God, the needs of the work are made known to God’s people in order that they may become actively involved in Cedine’s ministries. Continued development and expansion are possible only as God burdens the hearts of His people to share in these ministries.
Careful financial records are kept in accordance with the scriptural admonition that “it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful”. Tax-exempt receipts are given for all gifts to the Mission and its ministries when such gifts are made payable to Cedine Ministries, Inc., rather than to an individual missionary. (Please note: When giving a gift designated for an individual you must send a separate note designating who it is for. You cannot put the individual’s name anywhere on the check or we cannot give a tax deductible receipt). Cedine’s financial records are audited annually by an outside, approved auditor.